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Clean Conscious

Writer: Dr. Neem

Published: Jun 06, 2021

It’s hard to deny that having our carpets cleaned is often a huge hassle. Most of us don’t like getting it done; we often get the feeling we’re being over-charged for services we don’t need; and we generally put it off way too long, which ends up being way more damaging to our carpets, our pocketbooks AND our health than necessary! Contemplating this early in my career, I developed a solution to this dilemma, inspired by a landscaper I met some 20 years ago. He explained that since he only provided his mowing services about 6 months out of the season, he’d split up the cost of that to his customers monthly, over the entire year. This allowed his customers to budget the services, paying a lower monthly amount throughout the year, rather than a higher cost each of the 6 months. This also provided him with a sustainable income during the months he was not mowing. “This was brilliant…but so simple”, I thought. So I came up with a similar pricing structure for carpet cleaning that I have been offering my clients over the life of my own business. Known as our Clean Conscious Service Plan, I still have Clean Conscious clients to this day that have been with me since its inception: clients that I have cleaned for and watched their babies grow up to go off to college, get married, and start families themselves; clients that have gone on to retire; clients that have moved (some many times) and have taken their service plan with them to their new homes; clients that are now lifelong friends that have me clean for them when they are at work, or on vacation…trusting me to take care of their carpets while they are away, respecting their home and belongings, and locking up the house securely when I leave.